for Authors Submitting Manuscripts
to the Journal of Materials Science and Technology
submitted must contain original unpublished results and should not be
under consideration for publication elsewhere. They must be written
in English. Both American or English spellings are acceptable. Manuscripts
must be sent to the Editor-in-Chief:
S. Vodenicharov, D.Sc.
Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies
"Acad. A. Balevski" with Hydro-and Aerodynamics Centre,
67, Shipchenski prohod Street, 1574 Sofia
manuscript is a subject to a peer review procedure. The final decision
about publication is based on the referees’ comments and the author’s
Manuscripts may be submitted in MS Word or LaTex format. Additional
copy in PDF format is required. It must be neatly printed using Times
New Roman font, 11 pt on A4 white paper (297x210 mm) on one side of
the paper only, with top and bottom margins 55.5 mm, and right and left
margins – 39.5 mm, respectively, single spacing, in one column.
It is not recommended the volume of the paper to exceed 12 pages.
For general format and style, please, consult volume 19 (2011). Additional
information in a form of template is in preparation.
The title of the manuscript should be concise and relevant
to the contents of the work. It must be followed by the names of the
authors with a corresponding author specified, their affiliations and
addresses. The abstract, not exceeding 120 words should
be self-contained (without footnotes and references) and include all
important results of the article. A list of keywords must be added too.
Notation must be legible, clear, and consistent with
standard usage. Such characters as e.g. 0 (numeral) and O (letter),
1 (one) and l (el), v (Latin) and ? (Greek) that could be easily confused
should be distinguished clearly. Equations and formulae
should be neatly formatted and numbered on the right in parentheses.
Be careful with bracketing of fractions (e.g. 1/2k means 1/(2k), not
Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively.
One has to keep in mind that they will be printed in a grey scale. Some
pictures and graphics may be in color, but they will appear in color
only in the electronic version. The size of the figures must be conformable
to the information contained, and must be suitable for direct reproduction
without significant rescaling. Diagrams must be drawn in black on a
white background. Lettering should be in proportion to the overall dimensions.
Shaded areas should be filled in by hatching or cross-hatching since
fine dots are reproduced not so well. All figures, pictures, diagrams
etc. should be referred to as Fig.1, Fig.2 etc. Figure captions should
be written on a separate page as well. Figures may be sent in the following
formats: PDF, EPS, PS, CDR, PCX, BMP, WMF, TIFF and GIF. A minimum resolution
of 300 dpi is required.
References must be given at the end of the manuscript
in the order of appearance in the text. When citing in the text, the
reference number must be in square brackets. Each reference starts with
the initials of the authors names, then cognomen, followed by the Journal
in Italic (using the common abbreviations), volume number (in bold),
first page of the article (or article number) and the year of publication
(in parentheses). It is recommended to include ISSN and DOI. References
to books must contain, in addition, the full title, Publisher, Editor
and ISBN. The cited chapter, section or page should be pointed out.
References on private communications are not acceptable.
[1] V. Schott, M. Fahnle and P. A. Madden, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. (2000)
12 (3) 1171.
[2] Ch. Kittel, Introduction to solid-state physics (7-th edition),
John Willey & Sons, Inc. New York, 1996, ISBN 0-471-11181-3.
[3] M. Petrov, in: Proc. Int. Conf. High-nitrogen steels, Varna, 1989,
pp. 88-92.
The manuscripts sent by conventional mail will not be returned back
to the authors.
to prepare articles using LaTex: